About the Project
The ‘Global Exchange and Training for Youth Employment Services 2’ project is funded by the European Commission as a part of the Erasmus+ Program. The main objective of the project is to encourage young entrepreneurs to create new businesses via new trainers, working standards, experience exchange, and services developed through enhancing the knowledge and technical capacities of the six partners. The project aims to increase the functionality of standardization and networking between CEFE centers around the world.
Transnational Meetings
Entrepreneurship Trainer Training - Türkiye
Entrepreneurship Training Practices
Final Conference - North Macedonia
Final Evaluation Meeting - Uganda
Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the Youth Field
Project Partners
CEFE - Macedonia
Association of Development Facilitators & Enterprise
Counselors Inc - Philippines
Institute for Technology Transfer and Innovations - Bulgaria
Grupo EASY - Venezuela
Drucilla Handicrafts Diocese of Kigezi - Uganda
Experiential Training Centre - Türkiye

11.2020 - 10.2022
Yaygın Eğitim
Hedef Kitle
Young Entrepreneurs
Rakamlarla Proje
Fikri Çıktı
Proje Galerisi