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Deneyimsel Öğrenme ile tanışma2006

After three years of active involvement in European youth work, the young team started to work as trainers in local and international programmes.

They wanted to do something for the further dissemination of experiential learning. They imagined an education centre. A centre that learns, grows as it learns and shares more as it grows. Finally, on 13 April 2009, they took the first step of a long journey.


Experiential Education Centre was established in Eskisehir.

The Centre for Experiential Education was established.
First acquaintance with experiential learning...

It all started with the story of a few young people who came together in a student club at Eskişehir Osmangazi University between 2006-2008.

Those were the years when our country had just joined the EU Youth Programmes as a programme country.

After realising the first EU Youth Exchange Project in Eskişehir, the young team had the opportunity to participate in EU Youth Projects and see youth work in different countries closely.

It was their first introduction to non-formal education and experiential learning.


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Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi uluslararası çalışmalarına başladı
The Centre for Experiential Education is growing...

With its establishment, the Centre for Experiential Education started to increase its capacity and play a more active role in education and youth programmes.

  • In 2010, it joined the United Nations Global Compact Network.

  • In 2010, it became an accredited organisation in the European Voluntary Service Programme.

  • In 2011, it was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Eskisehir Civic Local Formation Platform.

  • In 2011, it became one of the first contact points of Eurodesk, the European Youth Information Network. Turkey's first youth information online channel Eurodesk TV was launched.

  • In 2012, DeM International network was established and a global cooperation was initiated with civil society organisations from 6 European countries to create an international network in the field of experiential learning.

Experiential Training Centre moved to Istanbul.

As a result of its increasing capacity and intensified global cooperation in the Experiential Training Centre International Network, the Experiential Training Centre moved to Istanbul in 2013.

Mustafa Erdoğan and his team, one of the founders of Experiential Training Centre, and Volkan Müderrisoğlu and his team, one of the most experienced trainers of our country, came together under the roof of Experiential Training.

The journey that started in 2009 for the dissemination of experiential learning has taken a new direction in the development of experiential learning with this gathering.


Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi İstanbul'a taşındı
Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi gençlik ağı kuruldu
DeMGAH was established.

In 2016, DeM organised its first unique Training of Trainers Programme. The trainers, consisting of 15 teachers and 15 trainers, were given a long-term training synthesising Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory and Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The practices and outputs in the fields of formal and non-formal education were shared in the first book published by the Centre for Experiential Education, Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

With the new trainers joining the Experiential Training Centre journey, DeMGÂH, which will serve as a Training and Resource Centre under the roof of DeM, was established.

The Youth Network of the Centre for Experiential Training was established.

The journey of Experiential Training Centre first started in 2006 with university student club activities.

In 2014, a group of young university students established university student clubs under the roof of Experiential Learning Centre. The young team that established Experiential Learning Centre student clubs first at Marmara University and then at Medipol University formed the Youth Network.

Eğitimciler için Eğitici Eğitimi


Experiential Learning Summit

The Centre for Experiential Training organised Turkey's first Experiential Learning Summit in February 2017. At the summit, where David Kolb was connected via teleconference, the Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed approach was shared with important representatives of the field of education.

Deneyimsel Öğrenme zirvesi
Deneyimsel Öğrenme Konferansı, ABD
V. Experiential Learning Conference, USA

The Centre for Experiential Training was invited to the 5th Experiential Learning Conference in the United States of America in June 2017.

The Experiential Training Centre, which took part in the fifth conference organised by the Experiential Learning Institute led by David KOLB, the founder of the Experiential Learning Theory, has set an important milestone in its journey.

First IELN Trainer Training

This training was organised in cooperation with the International Experiential Learning Network (IELN), and was attended by 3 trainers and 22 participants. This training was the first international programme in which Experiential Pedagogy of the Oppressed was implemented.

İlk IELN Eğitici Eğitimi


Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'yla Ortaklık
Partnership with the Ministry of Education

Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Lifelong Learning took part in the Dialogue for Non-formal Education Project as a project partner. Within the scope of the project, Experiential Learning based training modules were developed for citizenship trainings.

It was established with the aim of making a significant contribution to the Turkishisation of Experiential Learning. Since its first day, it has continuously developed its method pool and has become the most visited website in its field.

Deneyimsel Öğrenme web sitesi

The congress, where important developments and good practices in the field of Experiential Learning were shared, was held in Istanbul on 23-24 October 2020.

The congress, of which David Kolb and Alice Kolb, the founders of Experiential Learning Theory, were the Honorary Presidents, brought together many academics and educators working in the field of experiential learning around the world.

A First in Turkey
International Experiential Learning Congress

15. Yıl


Deneyimsel Öğrenme Metot Fuarı, 27-28 Nisan 2024’te Bursa’da Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi ve GUHEM işbirliğiyle düzenlendi. 15. yıl kutlamaları kapsamında gerçekleşen etkinlik, 100’den fazla katılımcıyı bir araya getirerek bilgi paylaşımını ve etkileşimi teşvik etti.

Deneyimsel Öğrenme Metot Fuarı
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